This was a re-activation for me. If you are looking for all the details on how to get there and other useful info, you can find the original trip-report with the necessary details right here. This post has only a few specifics from today’s activation.
Today’s activation of Emerald Mtn. was my second summit of the day. Earlier I had activated Eagle Cliff Mtn. (WØC/FR-Ø58 ) on 15 and 20m (see separate trip-report) . Since Emerald Mtn. is just a few miles up the road and the weather was gorgeous, a double activation was an obvious choice. With my earlier acquired information about the trail-head and route, the ascent was a breeze. The south slope was almost snow free and snow-shoes were not required. Without the snow I could even find a small stone cairn on the trail to Glacier Basin campground. The cairn is just before you enter an Aspen grove and after a rock outcropping. That’s where I left the trail and headed towards the summit in an (almost) straight line. Distance and elevation gain is almost identical to Eagle Cliff Mountain, making today’s excursion a 4.5 mi (7.2 km) round-trip with a total of ~2500 ft (750 m) accumulated elevation gain.
Luckily, the S8 noise I experienced last time on this summit was gone – making me believe that it was related to the approaching snow-storm. The winds however were quite strong – even stronger than last time and I had to guy the antenna really well. My extremities started to get cold thanks to the high winds and the fact that I was sitting in the snow – even-though the sun was out. I packed-up my gear and went QRT after I did not get any further responses to my calls. It was indeed a wonderful day in the mountains.
Some video impressions:
If you would like to leave questions or comments, please do so through Youtube.
!! WARNING !! There are old mountaineers, and
bold mountaineers... there are no old-bold mountaineers.
Hiking and mountain climbing are potentially hazardous activities particularly in Colorado with its extreme elevations. I am not accepting responsibility for any death or injury resulting from activations based on my trip reports. Proper training, experience, and personal capability assessment is required - enjoy!
[..YouTube..] Great job ! 73.Roger
Great job ! 73.Roger
[..YouTube..] Nice scenery again Matt. I heard you again but couldn’t quite pull off the QSO. Will keep trying! Is it ever overcast in W0 Land? LOL Nothing but grey skies here in PA lately…
73 de Eric, KB3UYT
Nice scenery again Matt. I heard you again but couldn’t quite pull off the QSO. Will keep trying! Is it ever overcast in W0 Land? LOL Nothing but grey skies here in PA lately…
73 de Eric, KB3UYT
[..YouTube..] @F5LKW Salu Roger et merci beaucoup
[..YouTube..] Salu Roger et merci beaucoup
Salu Roger et merci beaucoup
[..YouTube..] @KB3UYT Hi Eric, please keep trying… it will work eventually. And yes, I think I remember a day where we had cloudy skies (I believe) ;)
[..YouTube..] Hi Eric, please keep trying… it will work eventually. And yes, I think I remember a day where we had cloudy skies (I believe) ;)
Hi Eric, please keep trying… it will work eventually. And yes, I think I remember a day where we had cloudy skies (I believe) ;)
[..YouTube..] Great Video! DO1JOE Joerg
Great Video! DO1JOE Joerg
[..YouTube..] Thanks Joerg, 73
Thanks Joerg, 73
[..YouTube..] Excellent production values, Matt! Thanks for sharing! …Peanut wGOAT
Excellent production values, Matt! Thanks for sharing! …Peanut wGOAT
[..YouTube..] Very good agagin. Thanks Matt
Very good agagin. Thanks Matt
[..YouTube..] Thanks for this great video Matt. 73 de Fred
Thanks for this great video Matt. 73 de Fred
You had a pretty good reception up there!! great QSO’s 73 thanks