Can’t find an excuse not to go out tomorrow and participate in the CO 14er Event. I am planning to hike up Gray Wolf Mtn. first. If weather and other conditions (my breath) allow it, I am continuing to Mt. Evans via Mt. Spalding (13842 ft / 4219 m), hoping to be on the air on a 14er by 11 AM MST.
Here the details:
Summit: WØC/PR-Ø2Ø (Gray Wolf Mtn. – CO) Date: 4 August 2013 Time: Approx.: 1430 UTC – 15:00 UTC Location: N-Colorado / DN70eo Elevation: 4138 m / 13576 ft – 10 Point(s) Call Sign: KØMOS Frequencies: 14.3425-ssb +/- QRM 146.52-fm / 147.420-fm (monitoring)
Moving on to:
Summit: WØC/FR-ØØ3 (Mt. Evans – CO) Date: 4 August 2013 Time: Approx.: 1700 UTC – 18:00 UTC Location: N-Colorado / DN70eo Elevation: 4339 m / 14236 ft – 10 Point(s) Call Sign: KØMOS Frequencies: 147.420-fm (CO-14er Event frequencies) 14.3425-ssb (if wx, crowds and Rangers allow)
QRP (5W) only.
Equip.: FT-817 and vertical Buddipole + homebrew 4-element Yagi-Uda (debut)
Keep your ears/antennas pointed towards Colorado.
Matt / KØMOS
!! WARNING !! There are old mountaineers, and
bold mountaineers... there are no old-bold mountaineers.
Hiking and mountain climbing are potentially hazardous activities particularly in Colorado with its extreme elevations. I am not accepting responsibility for any death or injury resulting from activations based on my trip reports. Proper training, experience, and personal capability assessment is required - enjoy!
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