The La Sal Mountain Range is located in eastern Utah, not far from the town of Moab and close to Colorado. Some of the significant Peaks are :
- Mount Peale – W7/SU-062 – 12,721 feet (3877 m)
- Mount Mellenthin – W7/SU-001 – 12,645 feet (3854 m)
- Mount Tukuhnikivatz – W7/SU-002 – 12,482 feet (3805 m)
- Mount Waas – W7/SU-003 – 12,331 feet (3758 m)
- Manns Peak – W7/SU-004 – 12,272 feet (3741 m)
- Mount Laurel – 12,271 feet (3740 m)
- Mount Tomasaki– W7/SU-005 – 12,239 feet (3730 m)
- Pilot Mountain – 12,200 feet (3719 m)
- Green Mountain – 12,163 feet (3707 m)
- Little Tuk – 12,048 feet (3672 m)
- Castle Peak – 12,044 feet (3671 m)
- La Sal Peak – 12,001 feet (3658 m)
Mike/KØYO and Matt/KØMOS will spend a couple of days to explore this unique environment. Obviously we will try to activate as many SOTA peaks as possible :)
We do not have a fixed schedule and we will adapt to the situation and environment. Snow, wind and thunderstorms will dictate the schedule and routes. Our first activation will be on May 30th and the last probably on June 2nd. Starting from our base-camp, we will attempt to summit Manns Peak first, followed by Mount Waas and/or Mount Tomasaki. Mike and I might be on different summits at the same time but always be in contact via HT. If we cannot activate all of these summits on day 1, we will activate the remaining summits on day 2 before moving to the southern part of the range where we will focus on Mount Mellenthin, Mount Tukuhnikivatz (looking forward hearing that name in CW) and Mount Peale.
We are planning to be on the first summit in the morning (~15:00 UTC). Conditions permitting we will try to activate multiple summits each day.
The ALERTS I will post on SOTAwatch are just reminders so you guys don’t forget about us. Date/Time/Summits may change on any day. Make sure to get the correct SOTA reference when you talk to us – and please SPOT us when you find us. If we have coverage, we might try to self spot via SMS and/or update our status incl. frequencies via APRS (Beacon Status Text), assuming I press all the right buttons. You can check via: http://aprs.fi/info/a/K0MOS-7
KØYO: Dipole and YAESU FT-817
2m: FM / SSB / CW
17m: SSB / CW
20m:SSB / CW
KØMOS: Buddipole Versatee and Yaesu FT-817 / Tapemeasure 3-el. YAGI for 2m
2m: FM – 146.5200
20m: SSB – 14.3425 alternate frequ. 14.2850 +/- QRM
You can also catch us late afternoon and evenings at our base-camp if it is sunny enough for our solar-panels to re-charge the batteries. Looking forward to the trip and hoping for many contacts. Keep your antennas pointed towards Utah.
73, Mike & Matt
!! WARNING !! There are old mountaineers, and
bold mountaineers... there are no old-bold mountaineers.
Hiking and mountain climbing are potentially hazardous activities particularly in Colorado with its extreme elevations. I am not accepting responsibility for any death or injury resulting from activations based on my trip reports. Proper training, experience, and personal capability assessment is required - enjoy!
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