Wilcox Mount
4079 m / 13408 ft
July 19, 2014
First Activation
Wilcox Mount, or Mount Wilcox (click this link!) on our maps, is Argentine Peak’s little sister. Wilcox is a summit about 1.2 miles east of the summit of Argentine, on a beautiful high ridge that extends for miles.
- Argentine Peak and Mount Wilcox from Silver Dollar Lake Trail
- Argentine Peak and East Ridge out to Mount WIlcox
- View West from Mount Wilcox to Argentine Peak
Both mountains are high alpine SOTA peaks near Guanella Pass Pass. Most SOTA activators will probably climb Argentine Peak first, and then perhaps climb Wilcox for a dual activation, if conditions are favorable.
Please read the trip report on Argentine Peak for trailhead directions and how to climb Argentine. From Argentine it’s simple to drop down the moderate East Ridge, walk across the easy saddle, and then ascend about 500 vertical feet on the West Ridge to the summit of Wilcox.
To climb Wilcox by itself, or before climbing Argentine, hike to Murray Reservoir, climb up the tundra slopes to the Argentine-Wilcox saddle, and then climb the West Ridge of Wilcox. After Murray Reservoir, there is no real trail, and you must navigate and choose a good route.
Wilcox has a broad alpine summit, and in good weather, it’s easy to activate on HF with a pole. At only 100 meters below Argentine, it’s also a high peak. The north, east and south slopes of Wilcox are huge meadows. These meadows extend down over 2000 vertical feet to Naylor Lake.
To descend Wilcox, choose between:
1) The West Ridge Route, then down the slopes to Murray Reservoir, and then up a short distance to the Silver Dollar Lake Trail
2) Descend the easy meadows from the summit, first east, and then south, to minimize the grade and to avoid steep slopes directly south of the peak. Do not descend to the private property around Naylor Lake! Between 12,400 and 12,200 feet curve west, and then cross the large creek in the valley, just below 12,000 feet. This was not a problem when I was there in mid-July, but it might be a serious hazard early in the summer! Head to Murray Reservoir or up the easy ridge just east of Murray, and join the Silver Dollar Trail on the ridge-top.
Stay away from Naylor Lake – it is private and uninvited hikers are not welcome! (That’s what I read on the Internet…)
The alpine wilderness basin between Wilcox, Argentine, and Square Top is a beautiful place, with lakes, streams, and flowers. There are far fewer hikers than on Bierstadt and Square Top nearby. This is a special place to visit.
George Carey Fuller
- Indian Paintbrush on Mount Wilcox
- Argentine Peak from Wilcox
- Route of Argentine Peak Hike from Wilcox
- Columbine on Mount Wilcox
!! WARNING !! There are old mountaineers, and
bold mountaineers... there are no old-bold mountaineers.
Hiking and mountain climbing are potentially hazardous activities particularly in Colorado with its extreme elevations. I am not accepting responsibility for any death or injury resulting from activations based on my trip reports. Proper training, experience, and personal capability assessment is required - enjoy!